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Cast Iron Soap - Plant Based Castile & Coconut

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Cast Iron Soap - Plant Based Castile & Coconut

Regular price $17.99
Regular price Sale price $17.99

CLARK’S Cast Iron Soap is formulated to naturally clean cast iron cookware while preserving the seasoned cooking surface. Cleaning with CLARK’S Cast Iron Soap leaves no sticky residue on your surfaces, reduces odors, and helps prepare the surface to receive CLARK’s Cast Iron oil to keep all your cast iron at its best. 

CLARK'S Cast Iron Soap has no animal by-products (Vegan) and no artificial thickeners or gels. 100% environmentally sensitive and safe for everyone including kids, pets and those with sensitive skin! A coconut-based castile soap that contains no parabens, phosphates, or synthetic foaming agents.

  • Material - Organic Castile Based Coconut Soap
  • Volume - 12 oz